Beom Jun is an abstract artist who is best known for his layered representations of mountains. Born and raised in South Korea, Beom Jun was steeped in the wonder and mystery of the mountainous landscape surrounding him. From a young age he developed a reverence for all of existence and delved into the art world as a means of exploring the processes of creation. He studied with diligence, graduating from the Kaywon School of Art and Design and going on to complete a Master of Fine Arts from Kookmin University. Talented and versatile, he works with both contemporary and traditional Korean mediums to create captivating pieces that prompt viewers to question the very nature of existence.

 In studying the mountains, Beom Jun discovered a profound link between observation and imagination. Distant mountains were always partially obstructed by nearer mountains. This not only forced him to imagine what the obstructed portions looked like, but also to wonder if they existed at all. This blending of the real with the imaginary led to an epiphany. He saw the mountains in a state of flux, solid and steady and at the same time constantly flowing. In this, he glimpsed the nature of the entire cosmos.

 Beom Jun sees mountains as a recorded history of creation, and he tries to relate this history to viewers. His process has a particular focus on the passing of time, and a reverence for how the past affects the present. His landscapes are meticulously layered, expressing not just a vastness of space, but also of time. His storytelling encompasses the extremes of human experience and emotion. On the surface, his paintings are serene, yet his layered blending of light and dark reveals an undercurrent of constant change and conflict. Each layer can be viewed as a snapshot of a continuously evolving universe. His works weave together such contrasting themes as order and chaos, creation and destruction, life and death, paradise and perdition. He does not highlight the contrasts, but rather the dependence and continuity embodied in the relationships between these opposing forces of nature. His aim is to show that there are no real boundaries between one essence and its opposite, only different stages of an unending evolution.

 Beom Jun’s art has flourished in his home country. For over the past decade, since graduating in 2009, he has been prolific in his contribution to the art world, participating in a plethora of art fairs, group exhibitions and solo exhibitions.  He has earned several awards and recognitions and has standing collections at the Jeonbuk Provincial Museum of Art in Seoul, and in Jeonju City Community Museum. His reach is growing. In 2023 he was featured in an exhibition in London, UK, and now he is ready to launch into North America. Beom Jun is poised and ready to leave an indelible mark on the global art scene.







2023 - "Blurred Traces" duo exhibition, Gallery M Platform, London, UK

2023 - "Flowing Mountains," Gallery Da, Gyeonggi

2022 - "Transparent Landscape," Gallery Daon, Seoul

2020 - "Walk in Serowon," Schema Art Museum, Cheongju

2020  - "Living as an Artist: ARTIST SURVIVAL," Sehwa Museum of Art, Seoul